Description & Show Notes: In this Episode, we're going to take a look Future Pacing, which was a concept I brought up a few weeks ago, maybe in Episode 14 or 15, and how we can use that tool as a landlord to make our lives easier and the make things easier for our tenants. Broadly speaking, Future Pacing is a concept that coaches, speakers, etc use to get their clients or their audience to see a vision of something in the future, and then motivating someone to take consistent action to get that result. We'll talk about how we can use Future Pacing and the concept of a timeline of actions steps to set up our leasing process for 3 important parties: you, your vacating tenant and your incoming tenant.
A few weeks ago, I mentioned the idea of coming up with a "30 Day Checklist" for each party listed above, and decided to do this for my own rental business. Today we're going to look at why this is important, what we can learn from a Master at Future Pacing, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and then walk through what ended up on each of my 3 checklists.
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